You’ve probably heard it more than once, but I’ll repeat it! “A positive mindset is key to thriving with a chronic illness.” Positivity can revolutionize your mind in ways you can’t even imagine.
Now, I know that it’s usually challenging to remember how to stay positive during dark days. But, I’ve decided to compile a list of positive affirmations you can make daily that will condition your mind and make it easier for you to stay positive at all times.
I also want you to know that feeling down, tired, and frustrated is okay, but don’t stay there for too long. When you fall, you have to get up. And I believe in you.
What are affirmations?
Affirmations are powerful, short, and repeatable statements that convey positivity. These words are usually used to boost confidence, belief in one’s abilities, and hope for a better day. Sometimes, a simple affirmation can change a long-standing perspective about something.
“I can do this.”
“I’m smart and beautiful.”
“I can do what I put my mind to.”
“I’m worth everything beautiful and good because I’m me.”
Affirmations like these can dispel negativity and bring hope at times when it’s needed.
Can affirmations help chronic illness?
I’m not going to go all science and start analyzing the brain, but from my knowledge and experience, affirmations help when you have a chronic illness.
Yes, it will not magically make your illness disappear, but it will strengthen your mind and give you motivation, self-confidence, and hope in yourself and your ability to get through the fight.
Chronic illness requires a lot of management. Due to the stress and emotional damages experienced because of the diagnosis, depression and anxiety will most likely creep in. With powerful affirmations that bring positivity, you can overcome chronic illnessess’ mental effects and become more intentional towards self-care and disease management. This act can actually save your life.
Positive affirmations are crucial to enjoying and living happily (insert a link to blog post) even with a chronic illness. Positive affirmations lead to positive thinking, impacting how you manage your health.
150 Positive affirmations for chronic illness

I had to get help from wonderful friends because I needed to give you affirmations from the heart, not just words downloaded from the internet.
Here are 150 positive affirmations you can try daily.
Kadine Cooper
- I am meant to do big things, and I embrace that.
- I am in the process of becoming the best version of myself.
- I am falling in love with taking care of myself. I release past versions of me that no longer reflect who I am.
- I am on a journey ever-growing and developing.
- I am working on me for me, and good things are coming to me.
- I am fine with who I am.
- I love who I am becoming.
- I am committed to practicing and learning new things.
- I will always strive to be the best version of myself.
- I celebrate my victories and embrace my failures as opportunities to learn and grow.
- I attract wealthy and successful people.
- I am grateful for people who see me for who I am and love me.
- I have all the energy I need to accomplish my goals.
- I leave behind anything that didn’t go well today and welcome a new beginning tomorrow.
- I easily attract people and events that will support my goals.
- I push myself to give my very best in everything I do.
- Whatever I put my mind to, I will achieve.
- I radiate confidence and enthusiasm.
- I am creating my career on my terms.
- I am grateful for the wealth I earned from my business.
- I can make mistakes and still reach my goals.
- I push myself to give my very best in everything I do.
Jacquelyn Lovett
- I’m counting my blessings no matter what size they may be.
- I forgive myself for past mistakes.
- Forgiveness leads to my resilience.
- I will take breaks, but I will not quit.
- Recognizing my limitations is a sign of humility.
- My feelings matter.
- I am determined because I have hope.
- I am grateful because I am blessed.
- To be forgiven, I must forgive.
- To gain knowledge, I must open my mind.
- I am thankful even when times are rough.
- I deserve rest despite having many responsibilities.
- I deserve self-care despite caring for others.
- I am unpacking self-doubt and keeping self-love.
- I deserve peace in my life despite the turmoil in the world.
Martita Robbins
- My purpose is to live an authentic, balanced life on my terms, pour into others, and spoil the people I love.
- I am more courageous, outrageous, and contagious!
- I am a devoted, exemplary Christian wife who shows deep love and respect to my husband inside and outside the home; I support him in all decisions and circumstances.
- I work daily to improve my spirituality, faith, and relationship with Jehovah. I take advantage of the abundance of spiritual food, meditate on it and keep Jehovah’s reminders, and I showcase the fruitage of the holy spirit.
- To make this my best seminar year ever, I must actively brainstorm, asking myself, “How can I?” And getting out of my familiar zone, taking calculated risks, taking action, and staying in motion. I can control doing my part.
- I do my job by offering and controlling the urge to judge or take rejection personally.
- I must focus on goals to expand my selling and team-building with the ultimate goal of earning a gold medal every month and selling $4000+ monthly.
- My number-one financial commitment is to earn $20,000 in my biz from sales, and I am on my way to earning $20,000 in team-building profit. I use the extra income to decrease debts, finance my Geaux Healthy wellness plan, save for travel, pay for the extras, make my home comfortable, and give (generously, frequently, and anonymously).
- The more money I earn and save, the more significant my impact! I am just as capable of becoming extraordinarily wealthy as any other person, and I am committed to living below my means and keeping my eye simple.
- I accept that not everyone will support me, accept me, acknowledge me, or understand me. I am at peace with that because that’s their issue, not mine. I am authentic and will provide value to others with nothing to lose or prove. Those who genuinely love me and know me appreciate me. They support me in word and deed, financially, with connections and resources to bring me to my goals. I am grateful for them. I humbly work with them and for them and no one else.
- To maximize productivity, I work 10 hrs a week according to my weekly and daily plan sheet. I finish each task regardless of how I feel. I keep my attitude in check!
- I am disciplined with habit📲, hustle🏃, and heart💖!
- Regular relaxation periods are crucial to my day-to-day happiness, health, and success.
- I have an adventurous spirit and incorporate fun into my life!
- I develop my skills as a businesswoman at success events, Career Conference, Seminar, Fall Advance, Sip and Strategy, January JumpStart, and Leadership! Any workshop I attend gives me a jolt for the next training as I pour into others and meet my goals.
- I deserve to travel with my husband often. We plan to visit different places as a family to fully appreciate Jehovah’s creation and diverse cultures in the human race. We deserve to live this way.
- We build the needed wealth to live with less stress about financial obligations and have a harmonious lifestyle we enjoy; we deserve to afford our wildest dreams.
Joyce Moon
- I can accomplish anything I can imagine in this life.
- I am worthy of great success.
- The love I give myself is reflected in all areas of my life.
- I am attracting beautiful things into my life.
- I am creative, strong, powerful, brave, confident, and kind.
- I am worthy of the compliments I receive.
- I like who I am and who I am becoming.
- I am deeply grateful for my body, health, and unique talents.
- My life is a miracle, and I belong here.
- I am empowered to have the things I seek.
- I have immense self-worth and inner beauty.
- I deserve everything good that comes to me.
- I am whole and complete, lacking nothing.
- My heart’s desire is coming to me.
- My voice is important and necessary.
- My body is beautiful, exactly the way it is.
- My contributions are valued and appreciated.
- I believe in my ability to express my true self with ease.
- I always stand up for myself and my beliefs.
- Confidence comes naturally to me.
Catina Morrison

- I am dedicated to setting healthy boundaries.
- I will set boundaries for my mental, physical and emotional well-being.
- I take back my power and release negative energy.
- I inhale positivity and exhale all forms of negativity.
- I choose myself by setting healthy boundaries for my mental health.
- I can set healthy boundaries in all aspects of health.
- My choice to set healthy boundaries is a protection for me.
- Setting healthy boundaries with my family and friends will make my relationships stronger.
- I inhale courage and confidence and exhale doubt and self-limiting beliefs.
- I am confident and wonderfully made.
- I build my confidence daily by seeing myself through the lens of compassion and love.
- I am confident in my ability to achieve my goals despite chronic illness.
- My confidence is a work in progress, but I am prepared for the journey.
- I will advocate for all aspects of my life and health.
- I have a voice, and people will hear it.
- My health decisions will be voiced and respected.
- I am confident in expressing my feelings and concerns to my doctor.
- I believe in my ability to say what I mean and mean what I say.
- My confidence in advocating for myself at work is growing each day.
- My financial success will improve as I advocate for myself.
- My mindset and health will improve as I use my voice to advocate for myself.
- My relationships will improve as I communicate my feelings clearly.
- My peace belongs to me.
- Maintaining peace of heart and mind will be a priority for me.
- I forgive myself for what I did not know and will do better now that I know it.
- I am an inflamed but thriving woman.
- I am a flourishing woman meant for success in all aspects of life.
- I am not defined by my illness but by the purpose I choose to walk in.
- I choose to walk in my purpose and do what I am passionate about.
- My chronic illness will not limit me.
- I will walk in my purpose and live the life of my dreams.
- The life of my dreams is within my grasp.
- I will do what I am passionate about, and my illness will not be a factor.
- I may have chronic illnesses, but they will not control me, my dreams, or my future.
- My chronic illness will not dictate my success.
- My future is bright, and my health will not be a factor.
- Knowing and expressing my limitations will make me a stronger person.
- I respect myself by respecting my boundaries.
- I value myself by setting limits for myself and others.
- I am not afraid to set boundaries for the people I love.
- I value my health by doing something each day that improves it.
- I will nourish my body with healthy and nutritious food.
- I will engage in physical activities that make me feel better each day.
- I am not afraid to fail because I know I am one step closer to success.
- I will surround myself with women who choose to thrive together.
- I am thankful to be alive and thrive each day.
- I can do whatever I want.
Jessica Mitchell
- I am more than this illness, and my body is a channel of blessing for my world to benefit from
- Success comes in many shapes and sizes.
- The only limits to my inner joy are the ones I impose.
- I am the architect of my presence.
- I replace negative thoughts with thoughts of belief.
- I’m thankful that I woke up today.
- If success is measured by personal fulfillment, I am successful.
- Laughter is good for the soul.
- I can maintain my inner joy despite my trials.
- Self-love is the catalyst for loving others.
- Sharing my gifts is a privilege.
- I am already a winner.
- As I make allowances for myself, I make allowances for others.
- I won’t allow pride to be my downfall.
- It’s okay to ask for help.
Ashley Nicole
- I am resilient and have everything I need to manage my chronic illness.
- I understand the value of self-reflection, which helps me better understand myself.
- Today I choose to listen. I listen to my body so I can learn from my pain.
- I choose gratitude today, and I give thanks for what my disease has taught me.
- I release feelings of pain and discomfort from my body when I put my mind to it.
- I am proud of myself for getting through this day.
- My energy level may be low now, but tomorrow is a new day!
- Despite how I feel, I know that this situation is only temporary.
- Even when I am busy, I will make time to stop, look around me, practice gratitude, and breathe!
- I am trusting the journey.
- I am trusting the process.
- I am safe and surrounded by support.
- I have an amazing community supporting me on good and challenging days.
- I am a WARRIOR!
These positive affirmations help you maintain positivity in your fight with chronic illness. It won’t be easy, and you’ll probably have bad days where everything stops making sense but don’t give up. Find a community that understands and supports you without reservations. Be comfortable in opening up to your loved ones and find purpose in advocating for yourself (insert a link to the blog post on why you need to advocate for yourself)
Do you want a free printable of these affirmations? Make a request here and indicate the ones that you want. Did you get a bit of fresh air reading through these?